Holocaust-survivor Noémi Ban escaped into Austria shortly after the Hungarian Revolution of 1956. She eventually found the courage to share her story and to confront her memories by returning to Auschwitz. Remarkable Resilience, written in Noémi’s voice by one of her closest friends, preserves Noémi’s messages of hope and healing.
“Dr. Diane Sue is eminently qualified to bring Noémi’s story to life. Not only did she and Noémi share decades of close friendship, Diane’s academic and professional background provided her with the skills to listen deeply and to eloquently describe Noémi’s journey of transforming trauma into compassion and healing.”
"Professor Emeritus and Former Director of the Northwest Center for Holocaust, Genocide and Ethnocide Education, Western Washington University"
“A book filled with wisdom, compassion, and understanding, Noemi’s story of survival against all odds is a powerful addition to Holocaust literature.”
Author of Slay your Dragons with Compassion
“Noémi Bán is an inspiration to us all.”
Author of Eva's Story: A Survivor's Tale by the Stepsister of Anne Frank
In recognition of the needs of children and families recovering from the devastation of war,
all proceeds from this book are donated to the humanitarian efforts of Save the Children.
Diane M. Sue received her Ph.D. from the University of Michigan and, as a practitioner of positive psychology, has been recognized for her professional and volunteer work with children and families, receiving the Washington State School Psychologist of the Year Award and the Western Washington University College of Education Professional Excellence Award. Diane conducts workshops in her leadership role with Sage-ing International and is affiliated with the Humanity Rising global community. Diane has co-authored multiple psychology textbooks including Foundations of Counseling and Psychotherapy: Evidence-Based Practices for a Diverse Society.